About Crossroads Community Center

What we do
Food, essential items, clothing, hot meals
The essential program at Crossroads provides for men, women and children living in tent camps, on the street, creek beds who are in need of essential items, food, and clothing. We serve hot meals on Fridays from 11am-1pm and offer other services by appointment throughout the week.
Mailing address help
Crossroads offers a bricks and mortar address for the homeless to register for Georgia I D. and receive VA and assistance check.
Inspiring, loving, and compassionate care
Through loving compassion, men and women find the care and kindness of the volunteers empowering and as a result, many have turned their lives around being set free from the plight of homeless.
Our Location
Crossroads Community Center is a non-profit based in The Center for Hope Healing and Restoration.
We are located at 3125 Presidential Parkway, Suite 208, Atlanta, GA 30341

Dr. Paul Graetz
CEO & President
“Creating a world that works for everyone, not just a few” is the passion of Dr. Paul Graetz, CEO and President of Crossroads Community Center in Atlanta. Dr. Graetz has served as the inspiration for this essential compassion program for 23 years with a vision of caring for the hungry and or homeless of metropolitan Atlanta.
His dream has been lived out through programs of providing weekly hot meals, distribution of clothing, groceries for those in need and most of all offering the homeless a mailing address to receive their mail, obtain a state ID and other identification to rebuild their lives.
Over the years Dr. Graetz has built relationships with compassion programs across the city to build bridges of connection with various resourcing agencies. These bridges have helped launch the 23-year success of Crossroads Community Center as a key service agency for the homeless.
Dr. Graetz, is man of positive faith that believes in the power of sharing, caring and loving one another. This has been the guiding mantra for Crossroads Community Center as an intersection between service and need.
Gregory Griffith
Director of Development
With a strong belief that service, and compassion are paramount in bringing humanity together Greg Griffith, Crossroads Community Center Director of Development is building bridges uniting people with opportunities to make a difference. He has over 40 years of working with residential, commercial, and hospitality design/development collaborating with multiple Fortune 500 companies and hoteliers where he used his skills as a development master planner and supplier.
His dynamic talents have led him to be a sought-after advisor and board member to several International Ministries and Missionaries that provide support for those in need of assistance with varying degrees of life, health, education, and spiritual challenges.
Throughout his life he has had a strong desire to assist the homeless and has found various
opportunities to do so. His passion for compassion found him involved in many non-profit programs assisting those in need. Among them He served as a facilitator for PATH (People Assisting the Homeless Los Angeles, Ca.) and The Rhonda Fleming Women’s Center in Los Angeles, CA.
Today Greg resides in Atlanta, GA and has graciously accepted the appointment to serve as
the Director of Development for Crossroads where his skills and talents are making a
difference. He’s uniting people who desire to truly make a difference in the world with this
essential program that touches lives with compassionate care. Greg is truly at the
intersection of service and need and he is bringing the world together to make a
What we do

Weekly hot meals

Clothing and necessities